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Git Fundamentals

How to get updates from main repo without losing your commits

GitHub Copilot: If you want to get the latest commit from the original repository while keeping your changes, you can use git pull​ with the --rebase​ option. Here are the steps:

  1. First, make sure you are on the branch where you want to apply the updates:
git checkout <your_branch>
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
git diff origin/<your_branch>
# resolve conflict
git add <file_with_resolved_conflict
git rebase --continue
git push origin <your_branch> --force


[!INFO] files from deleted when merging new branch to main.

  1. First, switch to the branch that you want to merge into main​:

    git checkout <branch-name>
  2. Then, use the checkout​ command to get the README​ and LICENSE​ files from main​:

    • This add README and LICENSE files to your bare-repo that you want to merge into main.
    git checkout main -- README LICENSE
  3. If there are any conflicts, resolve them. Then, commit the changes:

    git commit -am 'Merged branch and kept README and LICENSE files'
  4. Finally, switch back to the main​ branch and merge the other branch: bash git checkout main git merge <branch-name> This way, the README​ and LICENSE​ files from main​ will be kept even after merging the other branch Source 0, Source 1, Source 3. Another way to handle this situation is to use Git attributes. You can define a merge driver that always favors the current version of a file, and then use this driver for the files that you want to preserve. Here's how you can do it:

  5. Define a merge driver that always favors the current version of a file:

    git git-bare --global merge.ours.driver true
  6. Add a .gitattributes​ file that tells Git to use the ours​ driver for the README​ and LICENSE​ files: bash echo 'README merge=ours' >> .gitattributes echo 'LICENSE merge=ours' >> .gitattributes git add .gitattributes git commit -m 'chore: Preserve README and LICENSE files during merges' This will tell Git to use the ours​ driver (which always favors the current version of a file) when merging the README​ and LICENSE​ files Source 2.

How to clone specific branch?

git clone -b bare-repo <url>

How to update(commit, push, merge) github projects?

# Update dev or enhancement branch
git status #to see modifications
git commit -am 'updated <file_name>'
git push origin <branch_name>(e.g enhancement or dev)

# Merge changes to main
git checkout main
git merge enhancement
git push origin main

Revert last commit

git revert HEAD
 git revert --no-commit da65336                                                                                                                                         ─╯

~/Documents/repository/super-productivity on master revert +1
git commit

How to sync fork via upstream for new commits?

Source: github

git checkout master
# Get commits
git fetch upstream
# Rebase local branch to insert last commits from fetched upstream
git rebase upstream/master
# Push to your fork
git push origin master

How solve 2 commit behind or sync to branch with main after main get updated from PR?

git checkout main
git fetch origin main
git checkout feat/extract
git rebase origin/main

How to squash N commits to 1 commit?

[!INFO] More Resource:

# Commits = 26
git rebase -i HEAD~26
  • After that select the commit you want to make first commit with pick , make others squash or s
  • If you want to make 2 commit from 26 commit use b called break between 2 commit. After first commit done with rebase, git rebase --continue to handle second commit.
pick adaafa495 fix: settings section
s 49b1b4caa fix: delete unused string
s 8a34a3df0 fix: update changed GITHUB FORM string
s 7ba585e69 fix: delete unused strings
s 11de85c4c fix: delete unused CALDAV strings
s 360011b11 fix: delete unused GITEA strings
s d64180711 fix: delete unused unknown FORM string
s d666891cb fix: delete unused redmine section strings
s 063898871 fix: delete unused OpenProject strings
s 69e698c38 fix: delete unused string
s 6c9ccc810 fix!: delete unused PP strings
pick ee3562b7d feat!: add missing CALENDAR strings
s 6104a1446 feat: add missing DROPBOX string
s ca7172528 feat: add missing GITHUB error string
s 230bfbcec feat: add missing ISSUE strings
s 6dfa77741 feat: add missing notes section strings
s 800edab2f feat!: add PLANNER strings
s c164ace47 feat: add PROCRASTINATION strings
s 06c321b42 feat: add stopwatch strings
s 3ba1657f6 feat!: add SYNC string
s 6b43158e9 feat: add missing strings
s 07990c502 feat!: add CALENDARS string
s 071689691 feat: add missing strings
s e227c7580 fix: translate openproject strings
s fb01adc04 fix: add missing strings
s 92ed01bad fix: add missing REMINDER strings

  • update commit message for first commit e.g fix!: delete unused strings
  • git rebase --continue
  • update commit message e.g feat!: add missing strings
  • git push origin turkish --force

How to sync and solve commit behind

[!INFO] how to fix 3 commit behind, 9 commit ahead. How to PR your commits to repo when your branch behind from some commits without losing your commits?

  • Fetch updates to local from upstream, push updates to origin forked master branch, Rebase master to branch you want to add new updates from master and push force your branch
# sync upstream master and push new commits to your fork
git checkout master
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
git push origin master

# get latest updates from master and add your branch
git rebase master
git push origin turkish-update --force

How to revert back without commit?

[!INFO] Bununla commit hiç bir şekilde görünmez ve eklenen commit tamamen yok olur. Dikkatli ol. How to undo commits, revert back without commit to github like delete commit?

# son commit resetle
git reset --hard HEAD~1
# OUTPUT: HEAD is now at b8492fdd3 Fix SCHEDULE string and add new strings
# push to your branch with force to not deal with conflict errors
git push origin turkish-fix --force

How to solve 169 commit ahead from upstream?

  • This error going to show something like this   ~/Doc/r/super-productivity on  @59f0afad rebase-i 6/164 ~1 . This is represent 164 commit conflict and git want it user to solve it.
  • Abort this if your commit not necessary git rebase --abort and reset git and push changes to your forked master branch via force.
git reset --hard upstream/master
# Then it's going to show 169 commits is going to unstaged or revert via arrow down:
#─   ~/Doc/r/super-productivity on   master ⇣169
# After that force changes to fork.
git push origin master --force
  • Change the current working directory to your local project.
  • Fetch the branches and their respective commits from the upstream repository. Commits to BRANCHNAME​​ will be stored in the local branch upstream/BRANCHNAME​​.
    $ git fetch upstream
    > remote: Counting objects: 75, done.
    > remote: Compressing objects: 100% (53/53), done.
    > remote: Total 62 (delta 27), reused 44 (delta 9)
    > Unpacking objects: 100% (62/62), done.
    > From
    > * [new branch] main -> upstream/main
  • Check out your fork's local default branch - in this case, we use main​​. It can be master​​ too
    $ git checkout main
    > Switched to branch 'main'
  • Merge the changes from the upstream default branch - in this case, upstream/main​​ - into your local default branch. This brings your fork's default branch into sync with the upstream repository, without losing your local changes.
    $ git merge upstream/main
    > Updating a422352..5fdff0f
    > Fast-forward
    > README | 9 -------
    > | 7 ++++++
    > 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
    > delete mode 100644 README
    > create mode 100644
    If your local branch didn't have any unique commits, Git will perform a fast-forward. For more information, see Basic Branching and Merging in the Git documentation.
    $ git merge upstream/main
    > Updating 34e91da..16c56ad
    > Fast-forward
    > | 5 +++--
    > 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
    If your local branch had unique commits, you may need to resolve conflicts. For more information, see "Addressing merge conflicts."
  • Also if master has commit, you need to push to changes to your fork master
    git push origin master